Our Team

For over five decades, Rick has been a practicing psychotherapist, personal/executive coach, seminar leader, and consultant to businesses, nonprofit organizations, ®several United States government agencies, and more. He's conducted presentations at the behest of organizations in the United States, Europe and the Middle East.
Rick Carson is the author of four HarperCollins books. His seminal work, Taming Your Gremlin®, has had a remarkable track record having been a top seller for Harper since its publication in 1984. It has been translated into several languages leading to a Revised Edition in 2003 and a sequel, A Master Class in Gremlin-Taming®, (HarperCollins 2008).
Rick is a Clinical Member and Approved Supervisor for the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, a former faculty member at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School and founder of the Gremlin-Taming® Institute.
Private Lessons For Individuals
Private lessons offer you the opportunity to go to work…on yourself…and in the process to learn to use the powerful Gremlin-Taming Method. Any personal or interpersonal issue is grist for the mill. Folks work on issues such as tough career or life transitions, rough relationships between couples or co-workers, high anxiety or slumps in motivation or creativity.
The Gremlin-Taming Method can be applied to virtually any difficult situation that arises in your life and private lessons offer you an opportunity to have personalized guidance in navigating your way through those rough times.
"Rick is a master facilitator, speaker and author. Collaborating and being in dialogue with him is a real joy and a source of deep inspiration. His Taming Your Gremlin work is such a unique gift to the world and is helping thousands of people all over the world to live a life of greater freedom and joy. He walks the talk and does so with a unique combination of humor,
compassion and wisdom. I respect him deeply for that and cannot recommend him highly enough."
Laurens Van Aarle Coaches Rising, Amsterdam
Jane is a gift to all of us, and gifted. It thrills my soul that she has embraced the Gremlin-Taming® Method like she has. And I guarantee you she has learned it from the inside out – through courageous self-scrutiny inspired by her unbounded commitment to her own growth and to giving her clients her all. She wants us all to be the best we can be.
Jane has the patience of a saint and will slog with you through a swamp if that's what's required to help you free up and get where you're going.
She has a wealth of experience with children and their parents and with adults and kids with Attention Deficit Disorder, but because her talent lies in her ability to work with people, not labels – regardless of your age, concepts about yourself or world-view -- your time spent with Jane will be time very well spent."
Rick Carson